Ceramic Coating

What is Ceramic Coating?

Waxes and sealants sit on the surface of your vehicle’s paint and wash away. Ceramic coatings fill in the pores, bonding to your vehicle’s surface and remain for up to 10 years. Being extremely hydrophobic, ceramic coatings block your vehicle’s paint from the harmful elements, preventing oxidation that causes fading and discoloration.

How do we prep your vehicle?


removal of bonded contaminants (road grime, tar, iron particles, industrial fallout) from all of your vehicle’s surfaces


one step enhancement to remove light surface defects such as scuffs, marring, and 50% of swirls on your vehicle

Paint Correction

more aggressive, two step correction, removing and reducing swirls on your vehicle up to 80%

Now your vehicle is ready for it’s Coating!

We are thrilled to announce that we are now officially certified in the installation of System X Ceramic Coating, a cutting-edge solution for vehicle protection and enhancement. With System X, we offer a level of protection and brilliance that goes beyond ordinary detailing. We have undergone specialized training and are equipped with the expertise to apply System X Ceramic Coating with precision and care. This advanced coating not only shields your vehicle from environmental elements but also enhances its aesthetics, providing a long-lasting, head-turning finish.